INTA 135th Annual Meeting |
IPmetrics in Dallas TX
for the INTA Annual Meeting
Definitely the world’s largest and most widely-attended trademark event, and with the number of evolving trademark issues that continue to shape both local and global businesses.
IPmetrics professionals attended this important conference and, like every year, met with a stream of trademark attorneys, brand representatives and past, current, and future clients and contacts at the IPmetrics Booth (#322) to discuss how working with IPmetrics' professionals can be of assistance with any intellectual property valuation, expert witness, and/or IP management issues counsel or their clients may be facing.
This year, several trademark practitioners in particular were impressed with the preview demonstration of the Trademark Value Calculator which will bring affordable, instantaneous, and high quality value range estimation to small and mid-sized brands across the world.
In addition, many attendees tested their Trademark IQ at our booth to get their code for the INTA App Crack the Code game
Contact Information
9320 Chesapeake Dr. Suite 110
San Diego, CA 92123
Tel. (858) 538-1533